Drag2Zero moves to Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub

Drag2Zero moves to Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub

14th November 2018 Drag2Zero will be relocating it’s HQ to the Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub from 3rd December 2018 (www.silverstonesportshub.co.uk). The Hub, which will offer cutting edge R&D facilities including two state of the art wind tunnels, is the...
Team Drag2Zero – The day job: Matt Smith

Team Drag2Zero – The day job: Matt Smith

In between training and family life, my day job is as a veterinary surgeon. After graduating I spent a number of years undertaking further specialist training to become an equine surgeon. So now I work in Newmarket (for obvious reasons it’s a good place to work as a...
Team Drag2Zero – The Day Job

Team Drag2Zero – The Day Job

For Part 1 of our series looking at what some of our team riders do as their day job and how this helps (or hinders!) their ability to train, we hear from trike impresario Gavin Hinxman, who has now been time trialling for most of his life. For sure some cyclists will...